Our phone lines are down because we have no internet.

The application deadline for the mentorship program has been extended until January 10th. Applications are located at Crossett Middle School in the main office

Our phone lines are currently not working due to our internet being down.

CMS Band Concert - December 12, 2024

CMS Christmas Dress Up Days (December 16 - 20)

School picture retake day is December 16th.

December Basketball Schedule

CMS will be conducting the Arkansas Prevention Needs Assessment this week. This assessment is only for 6th and 8th graders. The assessment will be a completely ANONYMOUS survey over alcohol, drug, and substance use. If you DO NOT want your child to participate, please return the denial slip back to school. You may keep the denial slip if you agree to your child completing the survey. Denial slips will be sent home with students. Thank you all for your support and help.

Dear Parents/Guardians,
This is a reminder that the semester reading project is due this Friday for both 7th and 8th grade literacy classes. Please note that the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to complete the project is strictly forbidden. All work submitted must be the student's original work. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Ms. Hale (7th Grade Literacy) and Mr. Clark (8th Grade Literacy)

Aubrey Hartley is helping Ms. Spradlin with the daily announcements this week.

5th Grade Student of the Month for October, Evelyn McElroy.

Crossett School District will be out November 25 - 29, 2024 for Thanksgiving Break. Classes resume Monday, December 2nd. #happythanksgiving

Thanks for being a substitute teacher at CMS!!!

D.A.R.E. Graduation is Monday, December 2nd at the CHS Auditorium.

Game Day: CMS 7G/9G vs. McGehee 7G/9G @ McGehee #eaglesflyhigh

Happy National Parent Involvement Day. Thank you for your support of our students, staff, and school. #parentinvolvement

CMS Powder Puff Game - December 16, 2024

Crossett School District's November Chartwells Newsletter.

Happy Education Support Professional Day to all of the support staff that make day to day operations run smoothly at CMS. #EaglesFlyHigh

Game Day: CMS JG/JB vs. Drew Central JG/JB #eaglesflyhigh